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CARA KONVERSI EXCEL KE SHP Secara umum, meskipun otomatisasi perpindahan data dari GPS ke Arc GIS dimungkinkan dan lebih efisien, namun terkadang sebagian orang lebih senang cara-cara manual. Mereka mengambil titik koordinat dengan GPS dan mencatat hasilnya pada excel. Konsekuensinya, mereka harus berhati-hati dalam mencatat angka-angka yang tertera di GPS dan harus teliti dalam memasukkan koordinat tersebut di excel.
Penulis sering menjumpai jenis kesalahan ini pada pencatatan petugas lapangan terutama untuk penggunaan sistem koordinat UTM yang digit angkanya lumayan panjang. Ini juga berlaku untuk kasus-kasus yang lebih luas seperti pembuatan tabulasi data atribut dari berbagai dokumen ke dalam format excel. Dalam studi kasus batas Kabupaten Bombana, langkah-langkah konversi data secara bertahap yang dapat dilakukan adalah sebagai berikut: • Pembuatan tabulasi. Data atribut titik koordinat pilar/titik kartometrik diketik ulang pada Microsoft Excel. Data koordinat yang sebelumnya masih berbentuk derajat-menit-detik dirubah menjadi angka desimal dengan satuan derajat, dimana 1 derajat = 60 menit = 3600 detik.
Kolom 1 diberi identitas X, kolom 2 diberi identitas Y. Kolom-kolom selanjutnya diberi identitas data atribut koordinat seperti nama titik batas dan keterangan-keterangan lain yang diperlukan. Hasil tabulasi seperti tampak pada gambar.
Format excel data atribut • Panggil data koordinat excel dengan ArcGIS, caranya: klik “Tool”, pilih ”Add XY Data” • Klik “Browse” dan panggil data excel yang dipersiapkan sebelumnya (1), masukkan kolom X pada side bar X dan kolom Y pada side bar Y (2), atur setting koordinat proyeksinya pada “WGS 1984”. • Cara mengatur proyeksi koordinat: klik tombol “edit” di atas tombol cancel (1), pilih “select” (2), pilih “Geographic Coordinate System” (3). • Pilih “World”. • Pilih “WGS 1984” (1) dan “Add” (2). • Klik tombol “OK”.
• Hasilnya koordinat telah WGS 84 seperti di bawah ini. Selanjutnya klik “OK”. • Posisi koordinat titik pilar batas telah terpetakan sebagaimana gambar. • Langkah selanjutnya membuat file shp.
Caranya: klik kanan pada file bersangkutan di layer (1), pilih “Data” (2), pilih “Export Data” (3). • Di bagian export biarkan “All feature” (1) dan ” this layer’s source data”. Pada bagian out put lakukan “Browse” untuk memilih tempat penyimpanan file output berbentuk shp (3). Tekan “OK” (4). • Nanti ada konfirmasi apakah kita ingin menampilkan data di peta, ketik “Yes”. • Hasilnya: file out put shp telah muncul di peta sebagaimana tampil pada gambar.
• Selesai Data spasial (shp) titik batas Kabupaten Bombana telah tersaji dan bisa dimanfaatkan untuk analisis spasial bersama peta tematik lainnya. Apabila kita mau mengetahui posisi pilar batas terhadap kawasan TN Rawa Aopa Watumohai, maka kita bisa tampilkan peta kawasan TNRAW pada Arc GIS, sehingga hasilnya seperti pada gambar. Hasil analisis spasial: dilihat dari posisi 72 pilar batas tersebut, 30 pilar diantaranya ternyata berada di dalam kawasan Taman Nasional Rawa Aopa Watumohai, meliputi 20 PABU (ditambah 2 TK PABU) dan 5 PBU (ditambah 3 TK PBU). Penggunaan analisis spasial akan lebih luas lagi apabila data point feature ini telah dideliniasi menjadi peta batas kabupaten berbentuk poligon. Sumber Data dari: Read more. Foto: Menu yang tampil secara horizontal, memuat pilihan tampilan di baris paling kiri, dan kecepatan waktu di baris paling kanan.
Sedangkan menu yang tampil secara vertikal, memuat konfigurasi aplikasi, seperti lokasi pengamatan, tanggal dan waktu pengamatan, banyaknya benda langit yang ditampilkan, pencarian benda langit, pengaturan dasar, dan bantuan. Untuk memulai pengamatan benda langit, bisa dengan menggunakan keempat tanda panah yang tersedia pada papan ketik ( keyboard).
Sedangkan untuk memperbesar dan memperkecil objek pengamatan, bisa dengan menggunakan tombol Page Up dan Page Down. Bila menggunakan tetikus ( mouse), pengamatan langit bisa dengan cara menggeser tetikus ke arah yang diinginkan. Sedangkan untuk memperbesar dan memperkecil, gunakanlah tombol scroll di tengah tetikus dan putarkanlah ke depan atau ke belakang. Apabila ingin mengamati benda langit yang telah diketahui namanya, tinggal cari di menu Pencarian. Hasil pencarian akan menuntun kita kepada benda langit yang dimaksud. Sehingga memudahkan kita mengamati pergerakan dan perubahan yang terjadi pada benda langit tersebut. Pada versi 0.10.6 yang merupakan rilis terbaru Stellarium, Bahasa Indonesia sudah menjadi bahasa tatap muka ( interface) dan bahasa bantuan.
Sehingga memudahkan pengguna dari Indonesia untuk mengoperasikannya. Untuk melihat informasi dan cara penggunaan yang lebih detail, bisa mengakses catatan petunjuk ( guide) yang terdapat dalam situs resmi Stellarium. Selamat mengintip ruang angkasa. Sumber Data dari: Read more. The University of Melbourne will be home to Australia’s first Open Source Geospatial Laboratory. The laboratory will support urban research and educational excellence through the use of location based (geospatial) data and tools. The Laboratory will undertake research and provide training resources which utilises digital data and analytical and visualisation tools to up-skill a myriad of disciplines in evidenced based decision-making practices.
Training will be delivered both into existing University curriculum and through a series of workshops and short-courses. The laboratory is expected to attract considerable interest from urban geographers, spatial scientists, planners and policy-makers who are keen to contribute to and learn about the latest available data driven techniques to support evidenced based decision-making. The laboratory will utilise the Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (). AURIN is a $20 million open source e-infrastructure initiative which is unlocking datasets of relevance to Australia’s cities and providing an analytical toolkit to inform sustainable urban futures. The software used to support activities of the laboratory is open source, meaning the source code can be modified and re-distributed royalty and fee free. This open source geospatial laboratory is a joint initiative of the International Cartographic Association (ICA) and the Open Source Geospatial Foundation ().
The laboratory will see scientists and practitioners from the International Cartographic Association (ICA) and the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) collaborate closely with University colleagues. This Australian facility will be part of a global network of open geospatial research labs known as ICA-OSGeo labs. Currently there are 22 ICA-OSGeo labs operating globally. Dr Christopher Pettit, Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne, Victorian Chair of the Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI) and Strategic Implementation Coordinator of AURIN will lead the initiative. “The University of Melbourne is one of the top research universities in the world and has been a pioneer in Australian geospatial science research,” said Professor Tom Kvan, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning.
“We are delighted to collaborate with the ICA and OSGeo to create this opportunity for our students and researchers, which will encourage open geospatial teaching and related research in other universities.” The facility will open in September 2013. The State of the Map 2013 venue in the new iD editor If you click the edit button today on OpenStreetMap, you will find a new, easier to use in-browser editor. With OpenStreetMap rapidly becoming the go-to map for thousands of mobile apps and websites, more and more users are seeking an easy way to add their local knowledge to the map – without the technical background of OpenStreetMap’s early adopters.
The new all web editor, named iD, was to make the editing experience much easier for first-time mappers. Since then, the iD developers have worked hard to close feature gaps and improve performance such that it can now take its place as the default editor for ID offers a walk-through tutorial for first-time users, inline documentation for tags, and a more comprehensive help system than previous in-browser editors. Potlatch, the existing online editor, continues to be developed for intermediate-level users and will remain as an option in the edit dropdown.
For a full list of available editors, take a look. You can configure your personal default in your user settings. Head over to and give the new editor a spin. Maps can be a remarkably powerful tool for understanding the world and how it works, but they show only what you ask them to. So when we saw a post sweeping the Web titled “,” one of which happens to be a WorldViews original, I thought we might be able to contribute our own collection. Some of these are pretty nerdy, but I think they’re no less fascinating and easily understandable.
A majority (see ), with others from a variety of sources. I’ve included a link for further reading on close to every one. A political map of the world, circa 200 A.D. Click to enlarge. (Imgur) What’s more amazing: how much things have changed over the last 1,800 years, a major chunk of the civilizational history of humanity, or how many of this map’s divisions are still with us today? Where people are the most and least welcoming to foreigners Click to enlarge.
Data source: World Economic Forum. (Max Fisher/Washington Post) This might be useful in planning your next vacation, although.
The world’s major writing systems Click to enlarge. (Wikimedia Commons) This map is a reminder that the world’s divisions and commonalities go much deeper than national borders. It also helps to tell the stories of a few major events that still shape the globe, the echoes of which you can see in almost every map on this page:, the Arabic-speaking of the 7th century, the Russian expansions of the 19th and 20th centuries, and the (still-ongoing!) unifications of India and China. The best and worst places to be born Click to enlarge. Data source: Economist intelligence unit. (Max Fisher/Washington Post) Here’s.
World map of major religions Click to enlarge (Pew) Read here about how Christianity and what that means today. Read below for more on the Islamic world. The countries where people are the most and least emotional Click to enlarge.
Data source: Gallup (Max Fisher/Washington Post) People in yellow countries are the least likely to report having emotional experiences of any kind, positive or negative. Purple countries are where people report experiencing the most feelings. If you’re surprised to see that the United States is among the world’s most emotional countries (but far from No. 1) or want to learn why some regions are so unemotional,. A European missionary’s map of Africa, circa 1908 Click to enlarge () I have this one hanging over my desk in part because of its appeal as a historic document (the borders are tellingly rough) but also as a reminder of the colonial legacy in Africa, which European powers divided up a century ago with little respect for how actual Africans wanted to be grouped.
Those arbitrary borders are still with us today, in part because African leaders agreed not to dispute them when they won independence. The borders because there are so many diverse communities forced together. Where people are the most and least racially tolerant Click to enlarge. Data source: World Values Survey (Max Fisher/Washington Post) People in blue countries are more likely to say that they would be OK with living next door to someone of a different race. People in red countries are less likely. But it’s an imperfect (and controversial) metric, so do read.
The world’s most and least ethnically diverse countries Click to enlarge. Data source: Harvard Institute for Economic Research (Max Fisher/Washington Post) This shows the world’s most diverse countries, its most homogenous. Where people feel the most and least loved Click to enlarge. Data source: Gallup (Max Fisher/Washington Post) Red countries are where people feel the most loved; blue countries are where they feel the least loved.. A Russian professor thinks the U.S.
Will break up into these four countries (Laris Karklis/Washington Post) Professor Igor Panarin when he first unveiled his grim prediction for the future of the United States, which was widely covered by Russian state media and treated as credible. Panarin said the United States would break apart under internal strain and form four different countries, with only one wholly independent while the others fell under foreign influence or control. I’ve included it both for a taste of how the United States is sometimes perceived abroad and to give American readers a sense for what it can feel like to have the outside world get your country so wildly wrong. Who loves and hates America Click to enlarge. Data source: Pew (Max Fisher/Washington Post) People in blue countries are more likely to view the United States favorably; people in red countries are more likely to view it unfavorably.. And China compare on global popularity Blue countries view the U.S.
More favorably than they do China; red countries are the reverse. Data source: Pew (Max Fisher/The Washington Post) This map is actually mostly good news for the United States.. China’s disastrous passport My annotation of a photo of China’s new passport. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan) Sometimes maps can spark geopolitical events rather than just reflecting them, as China did when it issued new passports containing this map. Why the controversy? The areas I’ve highlighted in red are marked as Chinese on the map but. This did not.
Gay rights around the world Click to enlarge (Max Fisher/Washington Post). Where people are the most and least tolerant of homosexuality Click to enlarge. Data source: Pew (Max Fisher/Washington Post) What this. Languages and dialects of the Middle East and Central Asia Click to enlarge. Each color represents a language group, with shades for each dialect. ( at Columbia University) The first thing this map shows you is the remarkable diversity in one of the world’s oldest and most storied regions, from Iraq in the West all the way to China in the East and Russia in the North.
There are a hundred other stories embedded in here: the expansion of Iran beyond just Persian-speaking peoples, the fracturing of Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the really stunning diversity packed into the Caucasus, which includes the. Where people smoke the most (and least) cigarettes per person Annual per capita cigarette consumption rates. Data sources: World Lung Foundation and American Cancer Society. (Max Fisher / Washington Post), which costs the country an estimated $48 billion every year, and about the other smoking trends seen in the map.
Economic inequality around the world Higher gini coefficient scores indicate higher economic inequality. (Wikimedia Commons) This map shows each country’s gini coefficient, which measures economic inequality. The red countries are the most unequal under the metric, and the green countries are the closest to nationwide economic equality.. Compares to the world on economic inequality Click to enlarge. (Max Fisher) Blue countries are more equal than the U.S., red countries are less equal. This map gives you a sense of just how severe economic inequality is in the United States; much higher than in any other developed country, and most developing countries as well.
Global crop yields are stagnating One of four maps showing projected changes in major crop yields. (University of Minnesota) A University of Minnesota study recently published in the journal Nature found that a significant share of the world’s crop-growing regions are seeing growth stagnate, slow or even collapse. They published three other maps; 22.
The best and worst countries to be a mother Click to enlarge. Data source: Save the Children.
(Max Fisher/Washington Post) A international NGO designed a complex formula to indicate which countries are better or worse for mothers.. How al-Qaeda is changing (The Washington Post) This map of core al-Qaeda and its affiliates. More than half of humanity lives inside this circle (Imgur). Legal systems of the world Click to enlarge. (Wikimedia Commons) One reason I find this map fascinating is it shows how British colonialism took the English “common law” legal system — once nearly unique in the world — and has now spread it across every continent. You can also see that religious law is unique to Islamic countries (although it didn’t use to be) and that customary law, once near-global, is now almost extinct.
How far Hamas’s rockets can reach into Israel. This helps drive home why Israel is so concerned about Hamas, the Gaza-based Islamist militant group, and.
Those are the ones that can reach into the light-yellow region. North Korea’s missile range (Voice of America) North Korea makes its missile program sound like a terrifying and immediate threat to the United States, but, as this map demonstrates,. Child poverty in the developed world Click to enlarge.
Data source: UNICEF. (Max Fisher/Washington Post) The United States by child poverty rates, above only Romania. The United States. The cancer villages of China Locations of communities where cancer rates have spiked recently. (Global Times via Weibo) China’s problem with “cancer villages,” or communities where cancer rates are spiking, thought to be due to rapidly worsening pollution, have become such a big problem that even Communist Party-run outlet Global Times. What Europeans think about the European Union Data source: Eurobarometer.
(Max Fisher/Washington Post) Europe’s economic slump is no secret, but how people within the European Union feel about their big collective experiment can very widely. This map is of whom the E.U. Has helped, whom it has hurt and who think they shouldn’t really count as European (read: the United Kingdom).
Meet the world’s 26 remaining monarchies (Max Fisher and Caitlin Dewey/Washington Post) There are barely two dozen left, and only 11 of them are really still in charge, but they’ve all got a story to tell.. The diversity of the Levant This color-coded map shows the different ethnic groups of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Israel.
There’s an awful lot of history packed into this corner of the world — and maybe some of the deepest ethnic and religious animosities anywhere in the world. The nuclear powers, after the Cold War Click to enlarge. (International Law and Policy Institute) The Cold War may have ended, but its thousands of nuclear warheads are still around — and often still divided along the same lines.
This map shows in blue the Russian “umbrella states,” which are formally under the protection of Russian nuclear weapons, and in orange the “umbrella states” protected by the U.S./NATO. The five other nuclear powers — Israel, Pakistan, India, China and North Korea — are in gray. How people think their economies are doing Click to enlarge. Data source: Gallup (Max Fisher/Washington Post)[/caption] People in red countries are pessimistic about their country’s economy; people in blue countries are more optimistic.. A partial map of geopolitical anomalies Click to enlarge.
(Martin Lewis/Stanford University) Each of these red markers cheekily indicates some unusual or unique phenomenon — for example, Abkhazia, the “barely recognized puppet state” just between Russia and Georgia. (Read more on.) My favorite may be the various overseas French territories, such as French Guyana, that are simply and accurately labeled “France.” The map was designed by Stanford Professor Martin Lewis;. Where the atheists live Click to enlarge. Data source: WIN/Gallup International poll.
(Max Fisher and Caitlin Dewey/Washington Post) Plenty of godlessness in China, Japan and a few European countries, perhaps unsurprisingly. But, despite the fact that it’s considered a serious crime. What the Muslim world believes, part 1: democracy Click to enlarge. Data source: Pew. (Max Fisher/Washington Post) The first of three maps from a comprehensive study on attitudes and views in the Muslim world () shows that most Muslims broadly support democracy, with a few telling exceptions. What the Muslim world believes, part 2: religious conflict Click to enlarge. Data source: Pew.
(Max Fisher/Washington Post) Significant shares of just about every large Muslim population worry about religious conflict (there is a widespread view in many Muslim-majority countries that the religion is under siege from the outside world). Bizhub 350 Drivers Windows 8 more. That share is more than half in four countries: Tunisia, Pakistan, Nigeria and Niger. What the Muslim world believes, part 3: honor killings Click to enlarge. Data source: Pew. (Max Fisher/Washington Post) Red indicates countries where most surveyed Muslims believe that “honor killings” — the practice of killing someone, typically a member of your own family, for having sex out of wedlock — are sometimes justified. Blue indicates countries where most surveyed Muslims believe it is never justified. The world as seen from space, over a 12-month time-lapse This NASA moving image, recorded by satellite over a full year as part of their, shows the ebb and flow of the seasons and vegetation.
Both are absolutely crucial factors in every facet of human existence — so crucial we barely even think about them. It’s also a reminder that the Earth is, for all its political and social and religious divisions, still unified by the natural phenomena that make everything else possible.. Pemrograman komputer bisa menjadi hobi yang menyenangkan, seperti yang saya pelajari ketika saya diprogram komputer Apple II abad terakhir. Waktu itu, saya akan berbaring di tempat tidur dan, kemudian jalankan ke saya Apple / / c untuk membawa permainan untuk hidup. Kadang-kadang dalam waktu kurang dari dua jam saya bisa pergi dari ide mentah sampai prototipe bekerja. Bagian yang paling menyenangkan adalah berbagi program yang saya buat dengan teman-teman dan memiliki mereka menyarankan perbaikan. Jauh dari kegiatan soliter, pemrograman bagi saya adalah selalu merupakan kegiatan yang sangat sosial. Aku t sudah sekitar 20 tahun sejak itu dan saya sudah mendapatkan keinginan besar untuk kembali ke dalamnya. Dan komputer bahasa pemrograman tampaknya seperti rute terbaik bagi saya untuk melakukannya. Sekolah menengah lokal di Takoma Park, Maryland, mengajarkan pemrograman Python. Jadi, jika saya mengembangkan beberapa keahlian di Python, saya bisa membantu siswa dengan tugas Python mereka ketika mereka mengunjungi perpustakaan umum di mana saya bekerja.Juga, saya mendengar Google menggunakan Python sering.